PYC 2024 | Daily Schedule
Click on any of the buttons below to view that day's schedule. During PYC, the order of events are subject to change due to weather, or other problems that may arise. Check back here during PYC if you think there may be a change, we'll keep you up to date!
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Monday's Schedule
10:00 AM - Check-in opens
1:00 PM - Check-in closes
2:00 PM - Recreation
4:00 PM - Supper
6:30 PM - Preservice (UBC)
7:00 PM - Evangelistic Service
Time TBD - Afterglow
11:00 PM - Lights Out
Tuesday's Schedule
7:00 AM - Rising Bell
7:15 AM - Staff Devotions
8:00 AM - Team Devotions
8:30 AM - Breakfast
9:30 AM - Bible Bowl
10:30 AM - Morning Service
12:00 PM - Lunch
12:30 PM - Recreation
4:00 PM - Supper
5:00 PM - Daily Verse Recitation
6:30 PM - Preservice (PVBI)
7:00 PM - Evangelistic Service
Time TBD - Afterglow
11:00 PM - Lights out
Wednesday's Schedule
7:00 AM - Rising Bell
7:15 AM - Staff Devotions
8:00 AM - Team Devotions
8:30 AM - Breakfast
9:30 AM - Bible Bowl
10:30 AM - Pre Service (AWC)
10:45 AM - Morning Service
12:00 PM - Lunch
12:30 PM - Recreation
4:00 PM - Supper
5:00 PM - Daily Verse Recitation
6:30 PM - Preservice (GBSC)
7:00 PM - Evangelistic Service
Time TBD - Afterglow
11:00 PM - Lights out
Thursday's Schedule
7:00 AM - Rising Bell
7:15 AM - Staff Devotions
8:00 AM - Team Devotions
8:30 AM - Breakfast
9:30 AM - Bible Bowl
10:30 AM - Morning Service
12:00 PM - Lunch
12:30 PM - Recreation
4:00 PM - Supper
5:00 PM - Daily Verse Recitation
6:30 PM - Preservice (HSBC)
7:00 PM - Evangelistic Service
All Star Softball Games
Friday's Schedule
8:00 AM - Breakfast
9:00 AM - Morning Assembly
(Meet in Tabernacle)
9:00 AM - All Star Volleyball
11:30 AM - Awards
(Meet in Tabernacle)
12:00 PM - Lunch/Head Home